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We see this rising consciousness, we see that people know there is something they need to do for the earth, and that’s good. But we can’t have this consciousness rising from out of fear. Problems exist – but the more we talk about them, the more we feed them. This consciousness must come from respect, tolerance and love.

— Kandymaku, indigenous Arhuaco, former speaker for Teyuna mamos of Columbia  
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Indigenous elders are traveling to the West in unprecedented numbers from imperiled rain forests, mountains and desert homes to share wisdom traditions and urgent calls for change in the way we relate to Nature. Nature constituencies are working to secure biodiverse ecosystems. World leaders are wrestling with environmental policies while economists are calculating the escalating costs that overconsumption and rising emissions are exacting from our planet. More people at community and national levels are getting involved. We can all do something, starting with connecting on these issues, talking about what can be done with as many people as possible. 


Indigenous elders are traveling to the West in unprecedented numbers from imperiled rain forests, mountains and desert homes to share wisdom traditions and urgent calls for change in the way we relate to Nature. Nature constituencies are working to secure biodiverse ecosystems. World leaders are wrestling with environmental policies while economists are calculating the escalating costs that overconsumption and rising emissions are exacting from our planet. More people at community and national levels are getting involved. We can all do something, starting with connecting on these issues, talking about what can be done with as many people as possible. 

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Indigenous elders are traveling to the West in unprecedented numbers from imperiled rain forests, mountains and desert homes to share wisdom traditions and urgent calls for change in the way we relate to Nature. Nature constituencies are working to secure biodiverse ecosystems. World leaders are wrestling with environmental policies while economists are calculating the escalating costs that overconsumption and rising emissions are exacting from our planet. More people at community and national levels are getting involved. We can all do something, starting with connecting on these issues, talking about what can be done with as many people as possible. 

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